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Resolving manufacturing conflicts with factories located in China and Southeast Asia

Benefit from our partnership with a major Shanghai-based law firm, ensuring your interests are safeguarded with full refund options and dispute resolution strategies.

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We start by thoroughly understanding the dispute's nature, the parties involved, and the implications for your business.

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We take action by communicating with factories and utilizing the influence of local Chinese trade authorities to assert your rights.

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Legal guidance

If necessary, we escalate the case to the legal system, ensuring you have expert guidance every step of the way.

When Alibaba Trade Assurance doesn't provide the support you need, Sourcebirds is here to bridge that gap

While Trade Assurance is a known safety net for global transactions, it often falls short in adequately addressing the needs of buyers, especially in more complex disputes.

We concentrate on the core issue – securing your refund. Our strategies are tailored to navigate the specific challenges of your case, going beyond the often limited scope of Alibaba's systems in refund disputes.

Most common causes of disputes and our resolutions

Specifications don't match
When the delivered product doesn't match the agreed specifications, we initiate a  review process. This includes comparing the product to the original specifications and engaging with the manufacturer to address discrepancies. Our goal is to negotiate corrections, adjustments, or compensations that align with the client's interests and contractual terms.
Factory failed to deliver on time
Timely delivery is critical for e-commerce success. If a factory fails to meet the deadline, we assess the terms of the contract and the impact of the delay on our client's business. We then work towards a resolution that may include expedited shipping, penalty enforcement, or order prioritization to mitigate the delay's effects.
Goods have defects or quality issues
Should goods arrive with defects or fail to meet quality expectations, we facilitate a rigorous quality assessment. Based on this, we negotiate for remanufacturing, replacements, or refunds. We ensure that all quality issues are rectified in accordance with the initial agreement and to our client's satisfaction.
Factory didn't provide requested certifications post-purchase
We insist on compliance, leveraging local contacts and legal action to acquire necessary certifications.

Enforcing international trade rules

Detailed audit and compliance verification

In-depth audit and compliance verification against international trade standards.

Leveraging trade associations

We initiate our enforcement process by tapping into the extensive network of trade associations within China.

Escalation through legal pressure

When negotiations and standard dispute resolution methods fall short, we are prepared to escalate the situation through legal channels.

Experiencing manufacturing issues and need to secure a refund from a factory?

Our specialized dispute resolution process is designed to recover your funds and protect your e-commerce interests.
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